The Bothy
The Bothy is currently being furloughed during the pandemic – but why not read about it and we will let you know when we are able to restart.
The feel of a 'bothy' is at the heart of what Living Lordswood is all about. The word 'bothy' is a Scottish term for a shelter or mountain hut, a place of refuge in the mountains where anyone is free to come and find shelter and safety. Although there are few creature comforts in a bothy there can be a wonderful sense of friendship as strangers drop in, gather round a fire, eat a simple meal and chat about 'life the universe and everything.'
A few years ago we had a dream of creating the feel of a 'Lordswood Bothy' – a space where people can take refuge, kick off their shoes, drop their masks, share some food and drink, make friends and be accepted for who they are. Since then we have been experimenting…
You can get involved in the Bothy in a number of ways…
Bothy evenings
Once or twice a term we open our homes to a wider group of friends from the area. These evenings always involve food and drink. Sometimes we get in some folding tables so that a bunch of us can sit down together and tuck into a potluck supper. Other times we get together to watch a film with popcorn and ice cream or have a board games evening. There is no great agenda and no expectations – except that we have an evening of fun, food and friendship.
If you are interested, let us know and we will send you an invite to the next Bothy evening. But when you get it, remember to book your place quickly. Space is limited and places tend to go fast!