Living on memories
Sadly, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic we were unable to meet face to face as a choir during 2020. 'Social distancing' is just not compatible with squeezing 50 bodies into the community centre, singing out hearts out, laughing our heads off and sharing refreshments! Nevertheless, more than ever our community needs 'joy, hope and a sense of belonging' – the very things Living Lordswood is committed to bring. Last year we tried to work out how we might fulfil those ambitions for the choir without putting anyone at risk and held a number of Summer and Christmas singalong sessions on line which were great fun.
We are not sure what shape our plans for the choir will take this year – but we always have a break in the winter term to do something different and 2021 will be no different. We are running two 7 week courses beginning in January on the ZOOM :
– Christianity Explored on Tuesdays nights
– Living Life to the Full on Wednesday nights
If you are interested you can find further details on this website